Monday, 4 July 2011

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.

At the mention of this line in the PowerPoint slides “The community and the society which has supported and accepted his idea, permitted his invention to existed as something new that is valued enough to be added to the culture.” I stopped for a second to think. On what standards does the society decide how useful the creative inventions are? Are some inventions not valued as they deserve to? Does it depend on the person himself to fight for his production to be admitted by his society? What if a person is not courageous enough?
As I have mentioned last week. The society puts the borders for us and decides what’s useful and what’s not. And as I note among my peers, most individuals in societies are followers, meaning they would not dare to take a step outside the usual borders, they would just go along with whatever the society decides too afraid to be left out. Lots of dreams have been left aside and lots of talents have got lost because of a mistake on sides, individuals mistake and society’s. It would be such a shame if the society has missed out on a great new invention because of the unusual nature of it and rejecting it instead of adopting the idea and improving it.


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