Friday, 2 September 2011

The role of media in our lives

it's interesting to see this video as a person who works in the media field. I notice that many people carry the same principles as she mentions in her speech, however, how much choice do they have? An employee in an advertisement company is restricted between what the client wants and what motivates the audience into buying the product, there's only so much the employee can do.This woman has been trying to make a change in the media methods, she has been trying to do so for years but as she stated, it only got worse. it's not only the advertisements companies fault, but also the generations who are drawn more and more into what the companies are selling from ideas and images, not only products.


Sunday, 17 July 2011

Mind Mapping

Biography Mind mapping about Tahera Mohamed



 Creative crafting

Creative design


Monday, 4 July 2011



Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention - creative furniture


Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.

The ability to take existing objects and combines them in different ways for new purposes. "creativity".


Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.

At the mention of this line in the PowerPoint slides “The community and the society which has supported and accepted his idea, permitted his invention to existed as something new that is valued enough to be added to the culture.” I stopped for a second to think. On what standards does the society decide how useful the creative inventions are? Are some inventions not valued as they deserve to? Does it depend on the person himself to fight for his production to be admitted by his society? What if a person is not courageous enough?
As I have mentioned last week. The society puts the borders for us and decides what’s useful and what’s not. And as I note among my peers, most individuals in societies are followers, meaning they would not dare to take a step outside the usual borders, they would just go along with whatever the society decides too afraid to be left out. Lots of dreams have been left aside and lots of talents have got lost because of a mistake on sides, individuals mistake and society’s. It would be such a shame if the society has missed out on a great new invention because of the unusual nature of it and rejecting it instead of adopting the idea and improving it.


Defining creativity - a creative picture of a friend

In an age where modern cities are dominant, we’re starting to forget out original culture, our traditions, and all the things that had been a part of our history or the history itself. The world is truly becoming one small village with all the means of communication that are available and the trends that are being forced into our heads to follow and let go of our culture, the similarity in all developed and developing countries regarding technologies, fashion and lifestyle. All of that has replaced our original culture, therefore, I look at this very traditional picture of a woman called “Sharaf” in her most traditional clothes as a creative picture, to have revived and represented her original culture and life style as a very creative picture. I see a story, not only an outfit and a palm tree in this picture. It’s a picture of a woman that goes way back before the 90’s in her very traditional clothes and slippers, she’s holding a basket which is made of a palm fronds that usually carries food, either dry rice that needs to be cleaned or dates that have been picked from the palm tree. And in the house yard, they used to light up the fire using wood to cook the food.
That cultural scene is almost dying and not often would happen, only at occasional days where families would gather to celebrate an occasion.

Another cultural picture, showing two girls in traditional clothes with gold hair accessories, this picture shows the state of the rich people in the past and how they used to dress up whereas not many people at that time could afford such an extravagant lifestyle with fashion and clothes. Children in the past used to play around in nature not having all modern games that are available nowadays. Bonds of friendships were much stronger whereas they’d share a lot in the streets of the neighborhood and the yards of their houses.


Sunday, 26 June 2011

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”

a quote by Albert Einstein.

because creativity is generated from experiences and things that the person have gone through, and sometimes inspired by other people's work, so if u manage to use that persons idea, change it and get it out of its old identity to not be recognized as the other person's work, then it would be your original work.



Monday, 20 June 2011

Defining creativity - Reflection on lesson learned

Last week in creative studies class, our lecturer has shared an inspirational story with us, it was about this girl who had an unusual behavior which almost was going to cost her career and dream. In the end, her unusual behavior was the reason for her to be a famous ballet dancer. The stories highlights several points, the main thing is that creativity different in the sense that a creative person’s behavior is naturally out of the familiar behavior of normal people. It’s not that creativity can’t be initiated in normal people, but as we can see, there are those who are born with it and those who work to get it. I am not about to scale the norm of the creativity in a person, I think both can be just as good, im pointing out to the society’s point of view towards each category of people. As we can see those who are born with creativity instinct inside of them, who might be a little different than their pears might suffer from rejections or attempts to fix that different part of them to make them like everyone else. On the other hand, those who worked to be creative, and are normal people like everyone don’t seem to suffer from that kind of obstacle. It’s quite interesting how societies fear the unknown and instead of trying to understand it and maybe benefit from it, they take it through already existing procedures or whatever that is in the society to bring it back to normal.


Defining creativity

First point I’d like to discuss is education VS. creativity. Is education really the main thing behind “killing creativity” or are there other things that are doing a better job at that!!
Societies seem to be drawing borders around itself to limit what’s usual and normal according to how familiar it is to the majority’s experiences. Therefore, creativity in the definition of unusual, unique, different and not familiar is rejected and categorized as an abnormal behavior or thinking of the person.
Besides the theory stated in the video I think that in addition to education, what kills creativity is the fear of being rejected by the society. If a person’s creativity survives the brutal attacks of the education system that might kill it slowly, it faces another obstacle which is facing the societies. It’s only a matter of time before a society embraces the efforts of a creative person and his\her works amongst them, but the question is whether some people can bare the false judgments, and fight through it to get that acceptance with the achievement that can please their society
I do agree with the theory that states that education is killing creativity and innovation inside of us. However I think I’d put the factor of “judgmental society” or fear of the unknown as the main one, societies lead us to our future and societies build our education system.
On another secondary point that was mentioned in the video is how far to the future is education taking us. Which raises another point that is how Compatible education in all countries. How far are we behind?
I think education is a continuing process, it does not stop after school or university and for sure it does not stop after having a job. At some point it becomes the individual’s obligation towards him/herself to be up-to-date with the worlds developing technologies and new educations and not to fall behind.


Monday, 13 June 2011

introduction to creative studies

without over looking the fact that creativity could be acquired by training and working to have the vision of an artist\ inventor or whatever it is that makes us or our thoughts unique and creative. it's mostly natural talent, inner instinct and to emotionally melt in with the surroundings that makes a creative thought or idea.

creativity is in one definition known to be an expression of the inner self, it could be our thoughts, our feelings, experiences that had left footprints in our heads. It's a vision of dreams and imagination as well, wishes and hopes. it's to put out all that's mentioned in a very different and unique way. to come up with new things or to express the things that we have in a new way that is not familiar, yet mind blowing.

That is only one way to think of creativity, by the time we finish this subject, i'm quiet sure we will learn how to observe and think of things differently, that one thing could be many, that there isn't a rule to tell us how to think.
